The vision of Zion Bible College is to fulfill the Great Commission in eSwatini, Africa, and the world. Our goal is to provide Christian leadership development so that eSwatini can become known for sending effective Christian African missionaries to other places in Africa. We do this by teaching classes, preaching the Word, and making disciples. Here is an overview of our current goals.
Our first goal is to be Bible-based. Our classes are based on the Bible, and each book of the Bible is taught in the 4-year cycle. Additionally, we teach key doctrines and classes on application of the Bible. Our Principal is a mature Christian of unwavering belief. Our Academic Dean has a Master’s in Theology and is strongly grounded in the faith. We are in maintenance mode on this goal.
Our next goal is to be Swazi-led. The New Testament example shows churches being planted and local elders being developed and appointed to lead those churches. There is no better leader to Zionist churches than Swazis who know the Bible and know Christ as their Savior. Right now, we are 1/3 Western in our leadership. We are working to add more Swazis to the leadership team to dilute Western leadership influence.
The next goal is to be Self-supporting, financially. Students cannot afford to pay the USD $7 the classes cost to bring to them. Sources of income, not from the West, need to be found and created. Zion Bible College has received a large gift to buy land and build a building that can be rented out for income. The result is that Zion Bible College is moving toward being self-supporting.
Our final goal is to be Sending. Zionists from Africa are very well-positioned to reach out to Zionists from Africa. There are 18 million Zionists in sub-Saharan Africa. Many of whom are biblically based, but many are syncretistic (mixing traditional African religion with Christianity). Zion Bible College is working to send out missionaries. We already do short-term trips and we have begun preparing places in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Mozambique, and Botswana for future missionaries. It is our goal to have 4 missionaries in the field by 2030 – sent from Zion Bible College.